Khamis, 5 September 2013

Nilai Kemanusiaan Para Atheist.

Molly is a stay at home mother

My morality comes from a contemplation of consequences: in any situation, I will strive to do the most good and least harm that I can.
Hi, I'm Molly!  I'm a stay at home mother with two beautiful daughters, and I'm an atheist.  Although I do not believe in God or a Deity, I am still a spiritual person and enjoy spending time meditating and contemplating the natural world.  My morality comes from a contemplation of consequences: in any situation, I will strive to do the most good and least harm that I can.

JD -- believes in the golden rule

I'm a big believer of the golden rule, to me that's pretty much all you need in order to live a good life. 
I like nature, animals, reading, goofing around and hanging out with a small group of close friends. My morality comes from within me. I'm a big believer of the golden rule, to me that's pretty much all you need in order to live a good life.

Karen is a ceramic artist living in Seattle

I get my morality from understanding that everyone I meet has as much a right to dignity and kindness as myself.
I am a ceramic artist living in Seattle. I make small shiny things that make people smile and that reflect my love of nature, science and folklore.

I was born in a family filled with abuse. Though I did not have good parental examples of morality, I have rarely struggled with being good for goodness' sake because of my teachers and those I met on my way. I get my morality from understanding that everyone I meet has as much a right to dignity and kindness as myself.

Ben and Karin

We think that it is important to accept everyone for who they are and to try to understand people who are different from us.
My name is Karin, and my boyfriend is Ben. I'm a physics major and he is a computer engineering major. We love going for hikes and playing chess. I like to sing and do art. Ben plays the violin. We think that it is important to accept everyone for who they are and to try to understand people who are different from us. We both grew up without religion. We were just told to be nice and responsible all the time by our parents.

Gergana: being nice to them is a reward in itself

Being nice to them is a reward in itself.
I am a legal translator from English and French. I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy books, playing computer games, dancing and making sushi. I have always tried to do my best to tolerate others and help them in any way I can. I have been taught since I was a little girl that other people are just like us, and that being nice to them is a reward in itself.

NOTA: Manusia tidak memerlukan agama untuk menjadi seorang yang bermoral dan berpegang kepada nilai-nilai murni. Golongan agama sering mengambarkan bahawa nilai moral itu datangnya dari ajaran agama dan bagi mereka siapa yang tidak ikut agama, adalah orang yang tidak bermoral.

Golongan agama tidak sedar yang nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dimiliki oleh semua insan di dunia tanpa mengira kepercayaan. Malah ramai manusia hilang nilai kemanusiaan apabila berpegang teguh dengan agama. Lantaran itu mereka tidak teragak-agak menumpahkan darah insan lain hanya kerana mengikut perintah agama mereka.

Ada kes dimana mangsa rogol direjam dengan batu sehingga mati atas alasan berzina lantaran tiada istilah rogol dalam kitab suci (rogol dan zina diletakkan dalam satu kategori), ada wanita mangsa rogol dipaksa berkahwin dengan perogolnya, ada wartawan barat disembelih atas nama agama, ada anak-anak bawah umur dipaksa berkahwin di usia mentah (atas alasan mengelak dari zina), para wanita diberi layanan buruk dalam komuniti mereka, dan pelbagai lagi pelanggaran nilai kemanusian atas nama agama.

Ya, mungkin bukan semua Muslim sebegitu. Namun fakta tetap fakta. Manusia sememangnya mampu hilang nilai kemanusian lantaran agama. Seperti mana kata-kata Steven Weinberg:
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

*Gambar di atas diambil dari laman web:

12 ulasan:

  1. Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God.

    1. Hahaha.. Orang Islam pundek, bila dah takde idea,curi kata-kata ahli falsafah kristian! hahahaha.Hipokrit paling hina dari lalat!

    2. Maybe what he (Francis Bacon) meant doesn't refer to personal selfish God like in Islam/Christian. God is the Nature. It doesn't matter whether a little or depth study in science still can make people remain a believer if they keep twisting the scientific facts to fit theirs.:)

    3. The above quote sounds arrogant itself. Sedangkan ramai dalam kalangan atheist telah menjadi ahli-ahli saintis ternama dunia. Nampaknya kata-kata ahli falsafah dari abad ke-16 ini hanya ingin memperkecil-kecilkan keupayaan seorang ateis dalam menuntut ilmu. Satu kesimpulan yang tidak berasas dan tidak relevan langsung untuk hakikat zaman sekarang...

  2. Imam agama norse : sedikit pengetahuan tanpa mendalami sekadar dipengaruhi minda yg singkat lebih hina dari lalat hinggap diatas tahi. Im not talking about specific religion, but im asking ur god definition. Get a live bro, you are nothing
    Melayu freethinker: lists down, get from ur research, sceintifically and technically how many percent you namely as atheist become saintis? Come on bro, actually, you do not have a great great great great grandfather

    1. Apa yg lalat ni merepek? hahahaha.. merapu tak tentu hala macam lalat!

    2. Find it yourself la.The problem with the quote is that it claims ATHEIST ONLY HAVE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE, which I don't agree. Takder kena mengena pun dengan percentage bilangan saintis atheist dengan nombor2 bagai, okayyy??? I respect and trust those atheist which have become top world scientist to NOT HAVE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE ONLY, not as mentioned in the previous stupid claim.

    3. Typical atheist, when no solid answer, trying to route other way, otherwise delete the comment. :) thank you in advance for your high moral image

    4. Typical theist - when there's no more point to refute the argument, accusation/excuses would be a better option...

  3. Melayu Freethinker hanya berbangga jadi follower jer?telan sembarangan je lar?perlu di ingat saintis zaman purba hanya membuat andaian hasil dari pemerhatian pada bahan kajian ibarat "binary system" 0 atau 1..ya atau tidak..intelligent konon..huishhh

    1. LOL what's the problem with you? bangga jadik follower? Come on la. We atheist support each other. Salah ka jadi follower untuk something with good cause? I just see that you got butthurt with me probably due to the reply I've written to you on my blog yesterday, isn't it? Habis kamu tu bukankah bangga2 juga jadik follower Muhammad,manusia dengan macam2 masalah psikologi tu???

  4. atheist memang bodoh dan penipu.....caya manusia hanya matter, hasil tindakbalas biokimia dan gerak letrik...kimia dan letrik mana ada rasa...mana tahu moral...binatang m/bk/e atau tumbuhan m/bk/e mana tahu/rasa nilai moral...tipu krna sains tiada nilai moral... .
